Archive | April 20, 2010

Hit Girl Cosplay for San Diego Comic Con 2010

After much debate with my fellow nerd friend – Smalls – we determined that Cosplay (or costume play or “dress up in costume”) for the 2010 San Diego Comic Convention International was out of the question for us. We didn’t want to bother with packing the costuming in our luggage, wrangling with it at the convention and suffering the heat/utter exhaustion of having pictures taken all day or whatever other hell is endured by cosplayers at conventions. I’ve never dressed up before, and feel like at the ripe old age of 27 – it might be far too late. 

Smalls agreed to the majority of these things and we made a verbal pact not to dress up. 

All that changed over drinks (and a second viewing of Kick-Ass) this last Saturday night, and it looks like we will now both be donning some manner of costume at least one day of our Comic Con experience. Erin decided on a Merlotte’s Bar and Grill T-Shirt, black shorts and shoes – the essential Sookie Stackhouse waitress outfit. 

Hey Smalls, the green apron and ponytail really complete the look.

Of course she only divulged this to me after I announced that I intend to put together a Hit Girl costume – most likely the movie version. I know, it’s 1/10 shame mixed with 9/10’s glee. I’ve declared quite openly that Hit Girl/Mindy McCready is my comic book doppelganger. We share the same name! It is fate! Now, how to go about adapting a costume designed for an 11-year-old, into something that can be easily pulled off by a 27-year-old who weighs twice as much and is at least 8 inches taller. Hmph. 

I figure the two most important ingredients to getting this costume right is the Purple Bob Wig which you can find on EBay if you search “purple cosplay bob wig” or check out this shop owners merchandise


And the Black Bandit Mask: 


Otherwise – who is going to recognize Hit Girl in the throng of thousands of other costumes? 

Another looming and quite costly element is the leather…there is so much purple leather. I’m not adept at sewing, or interested in paying anyone $$$ to sew an entire leather costume NOR am I compelled to spend a July day in Southern California tramping around in a full suit. The best option is to piece meal it together. I love the look of the upper body – and *wish* I was willing to fork out $80 for a bullet-proof vest

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