Metal Heart – Now Available for Pre-Order!!


Metal Heart v2 (6)

We highly suggest ordering a digital copy because we only need 750 digital pre-orders to publish and we’ve got 90 days to do it! So if you like what you’ve read thus far – click pre-order and let’s see if we can make it happen!

BONUS ANNOUNCEMENT: Metal Heart is the first installment of a young adult fiction trilogy. The second book is currently in production!!

About tinyheroes

Mindy Crouchley is a 33 year old woman with a degree in English and Technical Writing from Portland State University. She has accumulated three+ years experience in the Marketing and Communications field - with an emphasis on creating digital media content. She has been reading comic books since she was 10 years old. She currently lives in outer southeast Portland with her spouse Dan Robertson, her baby girl, and their dog - Jabba the pug. She spends her free time devouring books, crafting cosplay, video gaming, attending comic cons, writing stories/screenplays, attending book to film adaptation club meetings, volunteering, and watching copious amounts of TV and movies.

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